Alex Klas

San Francisco, CA

Academician of Arts and Master of Arts.

  • Laureate of the International Peace Prize.

  • First Degree Winner – World Culture and Art (APOLLO-UNESCO).

  • Laureate of the Emile Zola award.

  • Laureate of the Antoine de Saint-Exupery award.

  • Laureate of the N Gogol award

● Permanent collections among others:

  • Northern California Holocaust Museum Library, USA.

  • Odessa Museum of Western and Eastern Art, Ukraine.

  • Odessa State Literary Museum, Ukraine.

  • Moscow Museum of Judaism and Tolerance, Russia.

  • Chanson Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.

  • Museum of L.O. Utyosov, Ukraine.

  • Museum of the History of Jews “Migdal-Shorashim”, Ukraine.

Featured Artists:

Alex Klas, Nat Klas

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